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      Flexible, clinically adaptable, non-viral approaches to CAR TCR methodologies
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      Single Cell Antibody Discovery Using 'Islands of Automation'
      Paul Anderson
      Sponsored By: Beckman Coulter Life Sciences
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    • AUG 11, 2023 10:00 AM PDT
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      Better resolution for CE-SDS analysis of new biopharmaceutical modalities through fine-tuning the separation...
      Andras Guttman, PhD
    • AUG 12, 2023 10:00 AM PDT
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      GMP Cleanroom Routine Environmental Monitoring & 21CFR part 11 Data Integrity
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      A Novel Method for the Isolation of Highly Pure Carcinoma Cell Populations from FFPE Tissue Improves...
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    • AUG 25, 2023 8:00 AM PDT
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      How LV and AAV Transfection Platforms will Shape the Future of Gene Therapy Manufacturing
      Leisha Kopp
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      Bio-Layer Interferometry as a strategic platform to validate covalent "proximity inducing" small molecules...
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      Anthony F. Rullo
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      Nilshad Salim, Ph.D.
      Marketing Applications Manager, ForteBio
    • 飞翔加速器破解版
      AUG 27, 2023 7:00 AM PDT
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      Atlas of the SARS-CoV-2 Proteome
      Yuning Chen, Ph.D.
      Sponsored By: Sino Biological, Inc.
    • AUG 03, 2023
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      Have you ever heard of biocrusts? No, it’s not a new kind of pizza crust. Biocrusts refer to a group of tiny deser ...
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      Earth & The Environment
      AUG 02, 2023
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      A team of seismologists reports capturing the aurora lights not on cameras, but on seismometers. They say that three 201 ...
    • AUG 03, 2023
      Cell & Molecular Biology
      AUG 03, 2023
      Research Shows That Sperm Don't Wriggle, They Roll
      The lashing movement of the sperm tail as it seems to swim through aqueous environments is an optical illusion.
    • AUG 02, 2023
      Space & Astronomy
      AUG 02, 2023
      In a Rare Event, Massive Star Disappears Without a Supernova
      Astronomers were studying a massive star in the Kinman Dwarf Galaxy from 2001 to 2011. When they went back in 2023 to lo ...
    • AUG 03, 2023
      Cell & Molecular Biology
      AUG 03, 2023
      Gut Microbes & Diet Change the Behavior of a Cancer-Driving Protein
      Clinicians and researchers have long wondered why cancer is the small intestine is rare while it's so common in the colo ...
    • AUG 02, 2023
      Genetics & Genomics
      AUG 02, 2023
      In a First, Researchers Edit Cephalopod Genes
      Using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool, researchers have knocked out a gene in a cephalopod for the first time.
    • AUG 03, 2023
      Plants & Animals
      AUG 03, 2023
      Pollutants, Pathogens and Toxins Found in Shellfish
      Scientists used cutting edge technologies to assess how pervasive toxic or household chemicals and pathogens like plasti ...
    • AUG 03, 2023
      Genetics & Genomics
      AUG 03, 2023
      Understanding How Disease Risk Begins in Development
      Many common complex diseases are thought to be caused by an interplay of genetic and environmental factors.
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      Does Chronic Anxiety Affect Heart Health?
    • AUG 04, 2023
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    • AUG 04, 2023
      Johns Hopkins is Starting COVID-19 Plasma Trials
    • AUG 04, 2023
      Why the Brain Parasite You May Carry Isn't a Problem
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      Indigenous and local knowledge is crucial to biodiversity monitoring
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    • AUG 02, 2023
      Scientists capture the seismic signals of the aurora borealis
    • AUG 03, 2023
      What the heck are biocrusts and why are they so important?
    • 飞兔加速器安卓版
      Gut Microbes & Diet Change the Behavior of a Cancer-Driving Protein
    • AUG 03, 2023
      Pollutants, Pathogens and Toxins Found in Shellfish
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    • AUG 03, 2023
      Research Shows That Sperm Don't Wriggle, They Roll
    • AUG 02, 2023
      In a Rare Event, Massive Star Disappears Without a Supernova
    • AUG 02, 2023
      In a First, Researchers Edit Cephalopod Genes
    • AUG 02, 2023
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    • AUG 02, 2023
      Examining the Existence of Organelles in Bacteria
    • AUG 01, 2023
      A Breakthrough in Using Human Cells to 3D Print a Heart Pump
    • AUG 01, 2023
      Identifying Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
    • JUL 31, 2023
      To Outsmart Salmonella, Cells Can Commit Suicide in Different Ways
    • JUL 31, 2023
      Researchers Create an Epigenetic Map of Development
    • JUL 31, 2023
      Researchers Reverse Advanced Alzheimer's in Mice
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      This Fungus Spreads by Manipulating Male Cicadas into Mimicking Females
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      Using Electric Fields to Treat Brain Cancer
    • JUL 31, 2023
      Light from the Big Bang Reveals Age of the Universe
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      Visualize ASO, miRNA, and siRNA Detections with Spatial...
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      Playing Music Doesn't Make Children Smarter
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      Advancing Nuclear Fusion by Taming the "Chirping" Plasma
    • JUL 30, 2023
      Navy Goes Overboard on Hemp Ban for Sailors and Marines
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